Welcome to Your Community Church
A place to belong.

We believe:

The church was created to build community.

You are called to partnership with what God is doing in the world by His spirit.

We should be committed to fulfilling the call of Jesus on our lives.

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Sam Childers' story will inspire and encourage our region

When not in South Sudan, Congo or Northern Uganda Sam is speaking to churches, businesses, organisations, schools, prisons all around the world... his message is one of hope and transformation - about how God got a hold of a no good 1%ER drug dealing thug and transformed his life forever - God then sent him to South Sudan to rescue children for rebel militias - children that are trained to become child soldiers or out into sex slavery & the many other horrific atrocities that these rebels get children to do.

More info Sam's Website
Who We Are?
Bearing the Image of a Good God to a Hurting World.

We aim to point others to Christ by being inspired agents of difference in the world.

We wrestle with scripture in fruitful conversation.

We encourage one another to love and action in our communities.

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